10 Books on my TBR that have been there so long I've forgotten why...

So... I know this is weird, but I regularly thin out my TBR.  I get the feeling that this is not normal practice from seeing people brag about meeting the max allotment on GoodReads for the "Want to Read" shelf and posts like this.  So let me explain...

First of all, I impulse add a lot of books based on hype and pretty covers - and I know in my heart I probably won't even like the book.  With so many books to read in the world, we can't waste our time on books we don't like.  

Second, I KNOW that to actually finish one's TBR is kind of a ridiculous notion because as long as people are writing books, I will always be adding books...  (Plus, then what would I do??) But I have a vague idea in my head that if I read books almost as fast as I add them, at least I can read most of them?  

ALSO, when I'm looking for a book through my TBR, I have a bunch of classics and important books I should be reading!  SO I feel the need to clear out the pretty covers from time to time, to make room for books I actually want to be able to say I've read and books that could actually educate me or be meaningful to me.

Anyways, all that to say, if I don't remember why I've added these, they probably won't be on my TBR for long!! But I'd love it if you've read one of these books, if you could tell me if/why I should still read it!! 

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1.  The Patron Saint of Liars by Ann Patchett 

2.  Romancing Miss Bronte by Juliet Gael
3.  Calling Me Home by Julie Kibler
4.  Uglies by Scott Westerfeld
5.  The Wednesday Sisters by Meg Waite Clayton

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6.  The Misbegotten by Katherine Webb

7.  Gilead by Marilynne Robinson
8.  Lies You Wanted to Hear by James Whitfield Thomson
9.  Gillespie and I by Jane Harris
10.  The Memory Watcher by Minka Kent

**I wrote this post as part of Top Ten Tuesday on That Artsy Reader Girl's blog.
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  1. Great list! There are some lovely looking covers there!
    My TTT is here https://bookloverssanctuary.com/2020/06/09/top-ten-tuesday-books-ive-added-to-my-tbr-and-forgotten-why-i-havent-read-them-yet/

    1. I agree, the covers are beautiful! Thinking that's why I added some of these...

  2. I've heard good things about Gilead.

    My TTT .

  3. I've read Calling Me Home by Julie Kibler and I thought it was ok.

    My TTT list!

    1. Hmm... Is ok enough for me to leave it on my TBR? Lol

  4. Loved the Uglies series, it's an interesting world.


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