First Line Friday: Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury

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So a couple days ago, I finished reading Danse Macabre by Stephen King - anyone read it?  And now I feel the compulsion to read A LOT of classic horror novels.  Like a kind of desperate compulsion...
Pin on Best book ever!!
Like I'm not really sure what I've been doing with my life up until now...

Stephen King also totally solidified my odd reading habits because everything he says about the horror genre in Danse Macabre had me going: 
Kelly Clarkson The Voice GIF - KellyClarkson TheVoice Yaaas ...

So all that to say - I'm reading Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury - and also: read Danse Macabre by Stephen King.
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The first line of Something Wicked This Way Comes is.... 

The seller of lightningrods arrived just ahead of the storm. 

Looking forward to this one... AND ALSO I just want to say I didn't realize that so many people that wrote more recognizable classics - like Ray Bradbury for example - Roald Dahl for another - had written horror novels!

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  1. I didn't know Roald Dahl wrote horror novels as well!

  2. I can’t wait for Jaime ‘s book!
    My first line this week is from A BRIDE OF CONVENIENCE by Jody Hedlund:
    Vancouver Island January 12, 1863
    “I ain’t gonna make it, Zoe.”

    1. Uh oh, sounds like Zoe's going to be on her own...
      Thanks for stopping by :)


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