The Bible in a Year: Days 1-10

 2024 is the year of challenges and reading goals!  Along with the:

GenreQuest at my Lovely Local Library
Classic Club Challenge - 50 Classics in 5 Years

I am listening to the Bible in a Year Podcast with my husband and have purchased The Bible in a Year Companion, Volume 1: Days 1-120.  I don't know how essential the companion guide is, but I am a visual person and I'm thinking it will turn out to be helpful especially in review.

Day 1: Genesis 1 & 2, Psalm 19

Thoughts: Fr. Mike Schmitz is amazing. Just had to get that out there right away.  Excited to get started on this journey!

I loved when Fr. Mike said that the word used for the woman as man's "helper" is used elsewhere in the Bible to refer to God as in "The Lord is my helper." Really puts it into perspective.

Day 2: Genesis 3 & 4, Psalm 104

Thoughts: This shouldn't be one of my favorite readings, but already I don't know how it can be topped.  And what amazing things Fr. Mike had to say about it!  He talked about Cain and Abel and how Abel brought the first fruits as an offering to God and Cain “just brought whatever.” Am I offering God the first fruits of my time?

He also talked about Ch. 3 which is the fall of man.  And how God provided a remedy in the pain of childbirth, in the pain of the work given to Adam - God was showing them that love requires sacrifice.  And that he then loved them by clothing them in animal skins which required a sacrifice as well.  Love requires sacrifice.  "Love to be real - it must cost - it must hurt." - St. Teresa of Calcutta

Fr. Mike also talks about how you hear God’s voice when he comes to the garden after they have eaten the fruit and says, "What is this you have done?"  Is his voice angry?  No, it is heartbroken.

Day 3: Genesis 5 & 6, Psalm 136

Thoughts: Noah walked with God. How can I walk with God today?

Day 4: Genesis 7 - 9, Psalm 1

Thoughts: Today's readings shows that families have always been messed up, since, like, the beginning of time.  Sad? Or a comfort?  Maybe both.  

Day 5: Genesis 10 & 11, Psalm 2

Wow, that was like a lot of really weird sounding names.  Surprised there aren't more people out there naming their kids Nimrod.  But anyways, Fr. Mike as always did an amazing job explaining some of the harder to understand pieces.  

Day 6: Introduction to the Patriarchs with Jeff Cavins

Here's that quote by St. Ephraim.

Genesis 12-13, Job 1-2, Proverbs 1:1-7

Day 7: Genesis 14-15, Job 3-4, Proverbs 1:8-19

No suffering is too small or great to offer to God.

Day 8: Genesis 16-17, Job 5-6, Proverbs 1:20-33

I found it interesting that the companion book points out that Hagar saw God.  Hagar who was pretty much cruelly used by Abraham - she got to see God. How many people in the Bible can even say that?

Day 9: Genesis 18-19, Job 7-8, Proverbs 2:1-5

Day 10: Genesis 20-21, Job 9-10, Proverbs 2:6-8

Hard readings the last couple of days...
