Thrilling Thursday: 5 STAR THRILLERS

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THRILLING THURSDAY is a link-up specifically for my personal favorite genre: thrillers!!!  
Thriller GIFs | Tenor`
Thanks so much for joining me! Also know, I'm using the term "thriller" a little loosely: feel free to reference books that are borderline thriller mysteries, horror, etc.  It's all in good fun.  Click here to see a list of upcoming topics!  

Today's topic is TEN 5 STAR THRILLERS YOU'VE READ RECENTLY!!  We all know that there is a difference between five stars and FIVE STARS!!! It's subtle, but sometimes a book is super good and sometimes it is LIFE CHANGING, CAN'T PUT IT DOWN, CAN'T SLEEP, CAN'T EAT, THINK ABOUT IT YEARS LATER kind of good!
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So... tell me!  What are the 10 (truly) FIVE STAR thrillers you've read recently?? 

Here's mine: 

She Has a Broken Thing Where Her Heart Should Be by J.D. The Other People: A Novel (9781984824998): Tudor ...After She Wrote Him | Sulari Gentill | 9781728209159 | NetGalley51477868. sy475 49127515. sy475 Darling Rose Gold by Stephanie Wrobel: 9780593100066 ...Eight Perfect Murders: A Novel (Malcolm Kershaw): Swanson, Peter ...28090604. sy475 4180698639796904

Thanks so much for participating!  Please help me spread the word, by sharing on your blog, or GoodReads, etc.! And LINKING BACK HERE ON YOUR BLOG POST (please).  Don't forget to come back next week for the next Thrilling Thursday link-up!  Next week's list is 10 Fascinating Psychopaths!!  Thanks so much to Brenda @ Traveling Sisters' Reviews for the suggestion!! See you next time, thanks! :)

Link-up open Thursday, April 30 thru 5/6 

Also linked up @ LovelyAudioBooks monthly link-up
