Thrilling Thursday: 10 Fascinating Psychopaths

Well, last week we didn't get very many link-ups but we got a TON OF TRAFFIC!  So, if you're here, please!! join in the fun this week!  Create a post and link-up!  Follow & comment!  Let's talk books!

For more about THRILLING THURSDAY and future & past link-up topics, click here.

This week our list is TEN FASCINATING PSYCHOPATHS!  Thanks so much to Brenda from Traveling Sisters Book Reviews for the suggestion!  What a fun topic!  Make a list of your favorite books with a fascinating psychopath character!!  Maybe he's the villain, maybe she's the hero or maybe just the hero in their own mind!  Either way one things for sure...
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Here's mine:

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Alright, your turn!! Link-up!! 

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Please help me spread the word, by sharing on your blog, or GoodReads, etc.! And LINKING BACK HERE ON YOUR BLOG POST (please).  Don't forget to come back next week for the next Thrilling Thursday link-up!  Next week's list is: 10 thrillers that need a movie!

Link up opens 12 AM Thursday!
